Getting Back on Track with Your Health

You might have recently returned from that summer vacation, the one where you ate ice cream everyday and laid around a little too much? Yeah, me too. Personally, whenever I go on vacations, my eating habits are poor and I rarely get a good workout in.

The minute I get home, I am ready to get back into the swing of things, in terms of setting aside time for physical activity and eating healthy foods. But, if you are anything like me, then you might feel overwhelmed and stuck in your not-so-healthy habits.

To help you (and myself) to “reset” your health and habits after a vacation, I came up with this short list of ideas to help you get and stay motivated!

  • Don’t feel guilty. Regretting your decisions over the past week or so won’t make them any different, so why waste your energy on worrying about your past choices? Acknowledge that you enjoyed your time on vacation, the food that you ate, and the mini break from reality that you were able to have!
  • Rest. Even if you had a relaxing weekend getaway, you might be more tired than you realize. Plan to go to bed early for the first couple days back and ease back into your schedule by allowing some time to take a nap in the afternoon, if needed.
  • Grocery shopping. I hardly ever leave fresh produce in my fridge while I am away, so I make it a priority to get to the grocery store as soon as I am able to. I love getting healthy foods from the market that I am excited to eat and cook with!
  • Meal prep. On a similar note, look up recipes that are easy and simple to make and plan out your meals. If you have the time and desire, try cooking and prepping food ahead of time, so you already know what you are going to eat for the next couple days. It is harder to make a poor eating choice when you have healthy meals ready in the fridge!
  • Limit the amount of sweets that you eat. Other than a square or two of dark chocolate, I am really trying to only eat sweets on the weekends, or at least only two days out of the week. I have found that this is the best “diet” for me, because I have a giant sweet tooth and love to indulge once in a while!
  • Ease back into your workout routine. Even if you were away for a short time, getting back into working out can be rough. The first day back from my vacation, I only did about half my workout routine for the day, as I wanted to slowly readjust into working out, rather than overwhelm my body! I would recommend going for a brisk walk/jog and doing some simple strength exercises for your first workout back!

How do you like to get back on track with your health and fitness goals and habits? Let me know–I could always use more ideas!



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